Tuesday 9 August 2011

Someone to lean on

When I was at my worst several of my friends visited me every other day, not for along, just short visits, enough time for a coffee and a quick chat.  This was frequently their lunch break they were giving up to come and see me and they would come and they would bring me news of what was going on in the real world, a world I simply couldn't face at the time.  I really looked forward to these visits, they really brightened my day.

They also gave me the chance to talk about how I was feeling, if I wanted to, in place where I felt safe.  They weren't trained counsellors, and they didn't really offer me too much in the way of advice, but they listened to what I was saying and that's what I really needed.

A friend of mine is now going through a similar thing and I am able to return the favour.  We meet up when ever we can and I regularly chat with her online, it's not the same as face to face as I can't read her body language, but I am there and do listen.  I hope she gets as much from it as I did.  If she lived closer I would visit more often.

If you have a friend who is suffering from depression, they need time to rest, time to process the issues which made them ill and someone to talk to, not for advice but so they can rationalise their thoughts and start to rebuild.  There is still a real stigma attached to mental illness, people feel uncomfortable, don't know what to say or do and because they don't know how to help, they stay away.

Take it from someone who has been on the other side, you don't have to say or do anything different than you would normally, just listen when they want to talk.


Saturday 4 June 2011

The Road to Nowhere

Days like today, I don’t feel I make any headway.  I have coursework to complete, housework, a mountain of washing and the shopping to do.
I don’t have any energy and I’m not sure where to start.  Rather than looking at the whole lot and thinking I should just go back to bed, I have taken the dirty washing down stairs and brought the clean up.  Watching something on the telly, I sorted the clean washing and put it away.  I have also put a couple of loads through the washing machine.  Breaking it down in to small jobs I have managed to get quite a bit done.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed by the tasks I have to complete, I try to break them up, with frequent breaks and work my way through them one at a time.  It may take a bit longer but at least I am getting them done.


Thursday 10 March 2011

New Goals

I have been rather quiet on the blog front recently. This is partly because I hate the winter; I want to hibernate and partly because I am embarking on a new career path. I have been given the opportunity to teach computer basics to adults and I have been really enjoying it. It is taking up quite a bit of my free time but it makes such a wonderful change to be able to show people how wonder the technology can be rather fixing a computer which is not working the way it should.

I have also finished my counseling sessions. I have dredged up all of my issues, dealt with the ones I could, resolved some of them and ring fenced and put a positive spin on the rest. By this I mean I have looked at the negative parts of my life and focused on the positives I have drawn from these events.

For the most part I am in a pretty good place at the moment. The dark clouds are there but they have parted, the sun is shining on me and I am happy.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Laughter and smiles

It is a year today since my life came crashing to a stop, when I finally realized that I could not cope. From the almost catatonic state, through manic highs, terrible lows and back to the calm and happy state I am today.

Since my last entry, I have completely stopped taking the anti depressants. So my emotions are now my own and not propped up by pills. This has caused a few ups and down, but I am coping and I am back in control.

I have also celebrated what should have been my brother's 40th birthday. A happy time, but I still miss him, loads.

My photography and drawings have really helped me through this bad time, as have my loving and supportive family and friends. My drawings helping me to visualize, express and understand my thoughts and feelings; and my friends and family reminding me that I am not alone even when I felt I was.

The laughter and smiles have definitely returned, but I know I don't have to hide from the darker emotions, as I can deal with them again.


Friday 3 September 2010

Onwards and upwards

Still finding my rhythm working two jobs and a college course, but all is good. Paid all my bills and sorting my life out, all paper work done but still a waiting to be filed...it might be there a while yet!

Managed to fit in a holiday and photographed another friend's wedding. Still working on the photographs for that.

Looking to come off the tablets soon, I know I'm on the mend, no more panic or anxiety attacks, pretty much back in control. It has been an interesting ride. Thanks to good support from family, friends and professionals I'm not surviving, I'm thriving.

Monday 14 June 2010

A new path

I haven't written much in here of late, partly because I was trying to put my life back on track and partly because I didn't have anything to share.

During this process I have put to bed certain aspects of my life which were feeding my depression and I'm still working on the others. I have parted company with the my former employer and I am venturing out into a brave new world. Whilst tryning to earn my keep with various bits and pieces I am promoting my photography, in the hope that I can add to my income doing the things I enjoy.

With that in mind I have started a new blog "http://pictureitphotography-msg.blogspot.com" and I have created and Facebook page "http://www.facebook.com/pages/Picture-It/124723500899272". Through these I hope I can continue on my path to health, happiness and prosperity.

Thank you for all your help and support so far.


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Mayday and the Motorbikes

As I was sorting through the photographs I took on the Mayday rally, I found myself thinking about Simon, my brother and Sharon, my sister inlaw, both bikers, both taken too soon. One through illness and one through a bike accident.

They both loved Mayday, looking at all the bikes, chatting with the other bikers and just enjoying the day with other like minded people. It is days like this that I miss them the most, but I remember them with a smile, knowing that if they were there with me, we would be laughing and chatting as we looked at the bikes together.

I know all the time they are with me in my thoughts and in my heart they can't be too far away. Love and miss you both.
