Saturday 4 June 2011

The Road to Nowhere

Days like today, I don’t feel I make any headway.  I have coursework to complete, housework, a mountain of washing and the shopping to do.
I don’t have any energy and I’m not sure where to start.  Rather than looking at the whole lot and thinking I should just go back to bed, I have taken the dirty washing down stairs and brought the clean up.  Watching something on the telly, I sorted the clean washing and put it away.  I have also put a couple of loads through the washing machine.  Breaking it down in to small jobs I have managed to get quite a bit done.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed by the tasks I have to complete, I try to break them up, with frequent breaks and work my way through them one at a time.  It may take a bit longer but at least I am getting them done.
